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Summer Weather Can Lead to Poorer Air Quality in Your Home

As a Maryland and Virginia HVAC specialist, we have seen many homeowners experience a drop in the quality of their home's indoor air. This has been especially true in recent weeks as our area sees the dramatic effects of smoke coming from Canadian wildfires. Poor indoor air quality can result in respiratory problems, allergies, and other health issues. Luckily, you can take steps to improve the air quality in your home.

In this blog post, we will share some simple steps to help you enhance the air quality in your home.

Step One: Identify the Cause of Poor Air Quality

The first step to improving your home's air quality is to identify the cause of the problem. Some common reasons could be poor ventilation, high levels of humidity, or air pollutants such as pet dander, dust, or mold. Once you have identified the cause, you can address the issue accordingly.

Common signs that your home's indoor air quality is suffering include:

  • Excessive dust and allergen accumulation on surfaces
  • Unpleasant odors or musty smells in the air
  • Presence of mold or mildew in the home
  • Increased frequency of respiratory or allergy-related illnesses among residents
  • Visible signs of humidity, such as condensation on windows or walls

Step Two: Ventilate your Home

Proper ventilation is essential to maintaining good air quality in your home. This can be achieved by opening up your windows and doors to let in fresh air, using exhaust fans in your bathrooms, installing an air exchanger, or servicing your HVAC system.

If ventilation is an ongoing issue in your home, consider installing a whole-house exhaust fan. A whole-home exhaust fan can help improve the airflow in your home, as well as the overall quality of the indoor air. This type of system is designed to draw fresh air into the home while simultaneously expelling polluted, stale, and contaminated air.

Note: if your air quality drops due to conditions outside (such as the wildfire smoke), opening your windows and bringing in outside air is not always advisable. Always pay attention to local health and safety alerts regarding air quality, and follow the guidelines they outline.

Step Three: Invest in Air Filters and Purifiers

Air filters and purifiers can help capture and eliminate air pollutants like dust, pollen, and smoke. Look for air filters with a high MERV rating, and opt for purifiers with HEPA filters that can capture microparticles as small as 0.3 microns.

Though less effective than a whole home system, a small portable air filtration system may be a good option if you have an air quality issue isolated to one room or area. However, make sure you do your research and are purchasing a system designed to deal with your specific issue.

Step Four: Consider a Whole Home Air Quality System

A whole-home air quality system can dramatically improve the quality of your indoor air. These systems can capture and eliminate a broad range of indoor air pollutants, humidify or dehumidify the air, and provide proper ventilation. Investing in a whole-home system can be more cost-effective than purchasing individual room units that tend not to work as well and require frequent replacement as they wear out with continual usage.

Remember! Regular HVAC Maintenance Is Key!

Proper HVAC system maintenance is critical to keeping your home's air quality in check. Schedule regular maintenance with a professional HVAC contractor to ensure your system is working correctly and free from dirt, mold, and other pollutants. Your maintenance visit is also a great time to raise concerns about your home's air quality.

Here at Donmar Heating, Cooling & Plumbing, our HVAC technicians have extensive experience helping homeowners manage their indoor air quality, and we offer a wide range of air quality services. We can help you assess what may be causing a reduction in your home's air quality, and we can guide you in selecting the right systems to resolve the problem.

Improving your home's indoor air quality is vital to your family's health and well-being. By following the steps outlined above, you can help ensure that the air in your home is free from pollutants and harmful chemicals. Contact our team today for more information.
