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As summer temperatures begin to rise, homeowners are looking for ways to save energy and improve the comfort of their homes. Optimizing your thermostat settings is one of the most effective ways to achieve this. By understanding how to use your thermostat effectively, you can save money on energy bills and ensure your home stays comfortable during the hot summer months.

In this post, we'll discuss different types of thermostats, how to set them for optimal performance, and the benefits of upgrading to a smart thermostat.

Understanding Your Thermostat

Thermostats come in different types, including manual, programmable, and smart thermostats. Manual thermostats are the most basic type, where you adjust the temperature yourself whenever you want it to change. Programmable thermostats allow you to program different temperature settings for different times of the day. Meanwhile, smart thermostats take it a step further with more advanced features, such as intuitive self-programming and remote-control access. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages, and it's important to understand your thermostat's unique features to optimize usage.

Setting Your Thermostat

Your optimal thermostat setting will balance energy savings with comfort. For example, setting your air conditioning to 78°F when you're at home and raising it to 85°F when you're away can save you up to 10% on your energy bill. Adjusting your thermostat settings for nighttime hours can also provide significant benefits. However, it's best to avoid drastic temperature changes, as they can cause your HVAC system to work harder. Instead, aim for small, gradual adjustments.

Here are some helpful summer thermostat recommendations for residential homeowners:

  • Set your thermostat to 78°F during the day when you are at home. This will help keep you comfortable without causing your AC to work overtime when it's above 90°F out.
  • If you are at work and have no children, pets, or elderly relatives who stay home during the day, set your thermostat to 85°F. This will help save energy and avoid overworking your AC.
  • If you have a smart thermostat or programmable thermostat, set your AC back down to 78°F about 30 minutes before returning home so that your home is cool when you arrive.
  • If you are going on vacation, set your system to 85°F for both day and night. This will stop your AC from running while you're out of town while also keeping your home from overheating. Some programmable and smart thermostats have a vacation or eco-mode you can use as well.

Remember, setting your thermostat appropriately this summer can help you save money and energy while your home remains cool and comfortable.

More tips for getting the most out of your AC this summer include the following:

  • Use ceiling fans or standing fans to help increase airflow throughout your home, ensuring that when your AC is on, it is reaching all areas of your home, thereby providing more efficient, effective cooling
  • Keep your blinds and curtains closed during the day to block direct sunlight and better insulate your windows. This can help you reduce cooling loss.
  • Open your windows and doors in the evenings and at night once the outside temperature has dropped below your indoor temperature. This will not only help keep your home cool, but it can help delay how soon your AC needs to turn on the next day. Just be sure to shut your home back up in the morning before the outside temperatures rise.

Upgrading to a Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats offer advanced features that can help you save even more energy. They learn your habits and preferences over time, allowing them to adjust temperature settings automatically. Some models can even detect when you're away and adjust the temperature accordingly. Smart thermostats can also be controlled remotely via a mobile app, making it easy to monitor and adjust the temperature from anywhere. When choosing a smart thermostat, consider factors such as compatibility with your HVAC system, ease of use, and budget.

We also recommend that you have your smart thermostat professionally installed by an HVAC specialist, like Donmar Heating, Cooling & Plumbing. This can ensure that the thermostat is installed correctly and safely. It will also give you an opportunity to ask questions and get guidance on using your new thermostat.

Have questions about using your thermostat this summer? Contact our team at (703) 457-8676 or reach out to us online to schedule an appointment.
